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Tom Fereday Designs launches 3D printed light

Australian architect Tom Fereday has debuted the PELO light, a 3D printed, pendant light, made in partnership with ceramic artist and academic Susan Chen.

The light was built using a ceramic printer developed by Chen, and takes just two and a half hours to print. It features a conical shade, made from a single extrusion of clay, with distinctive ridges, created by the clay twisting on top of itself during the printing process.

Chen, who has recently completed master’s research in the application of 3D printing in ceramics, oversaw the development of the light and ensured the design was viable, while Fereday was responsible for designing the individual components and assembly.

The pair had to develop a number of prototypes to ensure the design's viability and test different materials, including earthenware and porcelain.

Fereday says: “We attempted to use our experience to create a product that was driven by the process of 3D printing and not simply made to create a shape that might otherwise be complex to make.”

Fereday adds: “We wanted to create a piece that elegantly showed the intricacy and natural variation of the printing process itself. As a light the detailed surface is highlighted and celebrated as an honest expression of the process which would be very difficult to replicate through traditional ceramic making processes.”

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